Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Poem I Wrote

Negative emotions, loneliness
Positive emotions, crushed
Feelings of love overwhelm me,
Then taken over by hatred
The thin line they speak of is real

The hurt, the pain
The tears, the drain
When does it end?
When do I get my big break?
Not a broken heart

Where did all my strength go?
I had some in the not so distant past
Taken from me, by life, by situations
By circumstance, by parasites
Whose sole purpose was to take
All they could from me

Perhaps being alone isn't so bad
The great wall of protection around me
Will keep me from being stepped on,
Walked on, trampled on, killed

Maybe life isn't worth it anymore
Maybe I should just die

NYC - 23/08/06

Monday, August 07, 2006

Are We Really Independent?

Today Jamaica celebrates its Independence of 44 years. The question is are we really independent? With everything outsourced, infrastructure sold out, production almost now non-existent and imports at its highest ... can we really say that we are an independent nation?

I don't think we are but I am still proud to be a Jamaican. Happy Birthday Jamaica!

Sunday, August 06, 2006


I get so lonely sometimes. I don't have many friends. Have been hurt too many times, stabbed in the back 3 times too many. Why is it so difficult to be yourself with others? Why can't people just accept you for who you are without judging you, trying to make you over, trying to change you. It just pisses me off.

I am a very nice person and because of that I get taken advantage of so many times and people think nothing of it because I'm also a very strong person.

I should really start posting on this blog more often. I have so much to say and had so many experiences that I would like to share. I think I'm a bit afraid to put m yself out there, my beliefs, my views, my excapades, my sexual encounters, me. All of Me. What do I have to lose? I have anonymity on my side. But a part of me would love for everyone to know the real me.

It is so lonely and I just don't know what to do anymore. What do I do??????